Sign-up here if you want to join the FFP 24 Hour Read-a-thon on April 8-9, 2011!
To sign up, just fill out the Mr. Linky below. On the "Your name" box, you can type either your name or your handle. You can fill up the "Your URL" box with your blog URL or, if you don't have a blog, your Facebook profile, Twitter account, Shelfari, Goodreads, or Librarything profile, etc.
To find out more about the FFP 24 Hour Readathon, check out the
About page and the
We'd also appreciate it if you could spread the word about the read-a-thon by linking to this post or this site. If you have a blog, we'd also love it if you could post
one of our buttons on it to help spread the word. Thanks!